Truthstream Media NEWS 2148 (Page) by newskids The Feds Are Arguing Your Money Isn’t Your Property NowOn 12, February 2025In the files of “if you can believe it,” this literally just happened and no — even though by all accounts it should be and it sounds like it — sadly, this isn’t satire. If this is the level we are at, then something absolutely has to change unless they’re just openly admitting our system […]… Read moreThe ProblemOn 9, February 2025Some people accept uncritically the reality with which they’ve been presented, despite overwhelming evidence that reality has been scripted and programmed — and the programmed people running that code have done unconscionable things to others in recent years because of it. I get that some people don’t want to have to take personal responsibility for […]… Read moreLiberty Cannot Exist Inside a PanopticonOn 7, February 2025It is so important for people to understand this. Liberty is not possible in an omnipresent surveillance panopticon because part of being at liberty is having one’s privacy secure. Our Fourth Amendment to the Bill of Rights is based upon this very idea. After seeing Oracle’s Ellison in the WH on day two, I thought […]… Read moreThis One Question at RFK Jr.’s Confirmation Hearing Is Everything Wrong with Our CongressOn 30, January 2025This one question at RFK Jr.’s Senate confirmation hearing will tell you everything you need to know about why everything is so broken in this country and why nothing ever changes. This system is such a dark shadow of what it was ever created to be. … Read moreShift (a Time Machine for a Longer Thought)On 20, January 2025Mel here. Last week was insane. This year feels insane. Last year was the kind of insane you couldn’t describe to someone who lived through it without them thinking you were insane. Sometimes I wonder — if everything is insane, what happens to the supposedly sane baseline insanity gets checked against? Anyway, I needed a […]… Read moreWhat Happens When Society Can’t Take a Joke Anymore?On 10, January 2025The upside of censorship? Unlimited optimism about our perfected future, where the best traits are gradually conditioned into all the shiny, happy people holding hands, and the misfits are quietly repressed into oblivion. The downside? I’m not hearing anything, apart from some pretty chill crickets. That’s the theme of our latest video, and of the […]… Read moreThe World We Were Raised to Live in No Longer ExistsOn 7, January 2025Widespread loss of faith/trust in the going system typically occurs before a new system emerges. It starts with a consciousness shift that disconnects people from the beliefs that held them within the old system. We’ve seen this shift happen many times throughout history; sometimes, when the outgoing system doesn’t want to go out, it ends […]… Read moreThe War on Speech Is Turning into a Monty Python SketchOn 3, January 2025The world is a stage, this we know. Currently, the production is a farce. What was funny 50 years ago no longer can be considered so. Speech interceded by absurd Keystone cops in England: The most literal ‘policing of speech’ skit yet has cops turning up on British doorsteps to arrest people for “causing obvious […]… Read moreWe All Just Saw Society’s Mask Slip AgainOn 9, December 2024As the media sweeps it out to make room for the next new current thing, I believe it’d be a mistake to pretend like we all just didn’t witness the mass public reaction to what happened to UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson on a midtown Manhattan sidewalk in broad daylight. Do we know what actually happened? […]… Read moreRemember, Remember the Fifth of November: a Holiday Americans ForgotOn 5, November 2024Did you know Americans used to celebrate this day in the colonies before the revolution? While everyone is either focusing on today’s election or trying really hard not to, here’s just short history lesson on Remember, Remember the Fifth of November — a holiday most Americans have forgotten. Or rather, were never taught about. Well, […]… Read more